Allow the Door of your Heart to open for Him

During the Advent Season, we are given many signs of the coming of the Savior. The first reading tells us there will be a great sign and then the Gospel reassures us that the Lord is coming.

We have signs here in our Church that give us a sense of the presence of God among us. You see here at the head of the Sanctuary a doorframe. The doorframe is the Door to Heaven. The key to that door is the Cross.

When we celebrate Mass, we face that door as we, as a people as well as individuals are journeying toward heaven. The door swings into the heavenly Kingdom.

In this last week before Christmas, God wants us to stand back from the busyness of the holiday and allow this door to be swung open toward us, allowing Him to enter into our hearts. God wants you to prepare a small place in your heart for His Son, for Jesus, so that He might rest there a while in peace.

In these last few days, take ten minutes to sit quietly and prepare that place so that when you come to the manger on Sunday, what you will find there is a reflection of the love and the time you offered to the Child Jesus.

Allow God our Father, with the help of Mary, our Mother, to open the Door of your heart and prepare a small place where He can dwell!